Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Peitou Warm Spring Museum

My Ink and Water Color Painting. This is Peitou Warm Spring Museum. The Building was builded in 1913. The tree in fround of the door was almost one hundred years old.

A Pencil Portrait

He was a student of my. His parents hoped learning painting can made him calmed. Because he had bad temper and hated reading books. I did the pencil portrait to encouraged him. It will be his prize if he good in school.

The Lizard Eggs

One day, my friend gave me two small eggs.
It was found when he cleaned windows.
They were lizard's egg.

I put them in a plastic box with toilet paper.

One and half month later the lizard babies was hatched.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rabbit And Chicken

There was a mathematics question about rabbits and chickens in one cage. Do they live together with piece?Yes, They do.
One day, I went to Wai Shuang River played. I saw it.

One rabbit and several chickens.

The cage was broken.
Actually they were stayed together.

A rabbit was sleepy.

Chickens were found something for eat.

A small River Crab.

A crab in river.

An White Egret was standed on big rock.

Beautiful sight.

A cat in brown hair.

I touched the cat with my left hand.

The Saint Bridge Waterfall was accessed deny for security.

A riverbed was made from nature rock.

Very speciall.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Qualities of a Good Artist

There were many good Painters in history. To be a good artist has four qualities. Many people analysed their painting to discovered their story. What happened to them to made so unusual. The smile, color, stroke and composition dissolved our mind for hundreds year. Because they had skilled, nature, emotional and abstract.
The first reason was skilled. Mona Lisa was the most famous and importing oil painting by Da Vinci. People almost could read the felling in Mona Lisa’s eyes. Da Vinci was skilled in science, mathematics, medicine and drawing. His mind was detailed. So We can learned the study way from him. The second reason was faced the nature. When Monet painted the Rouen Cathedral series, he founded the sun light will infected the color in subject in different times of the day and year. Why he could found it? Because he went out and touched the nature. To observed with eyes was the important experienced for painting. Not only looked the pictures. The third type was Monet. His oil painting The Café Terrace on the Place du Forum was known. The yellow and blue were so harmonized even closed. Van Gogh painted with broad strokes by his agitated emotion and did not worried about people like it or not. The last one was Picasso. The painting Three Musicians used shape of square, triangle, pillar and spherical to performed the musicians. All of their paintings were unprecedented.
To sum up, a good artist must have good skilled to created. Faced the nature in flesh was required. Used crazy mind and abnormal way to show sometimes. It was qualities of a good painter.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Water Color With Red Oil Lamp

Water Color With Red Oil Lamp

This was original still life.

Drawed the main color on it

Dyed the tablecloth and background by lots of water and color.

Waited the peper had dry and depicted the details.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Water Color With Fruits And Bottle

Water Color step by step recorded.
I liked to record the process of painting.
It made big help when students learn.

Step one.

Step two.

Step three and finish.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pencil Sketch

My name is lizard. Teacher Chang is my another name when in Art-Studio. Ink and Water painting is my major teaching. The basic paint skill is most importing when they first come to learn. It is pencil sketch.

A good way to teach is step by step and from simple to complex. I will drowing it immediately in front of them. To correct their works when they finish.

Simple pencil sketch living things.
Sphere, Pillar and Square.

Complex objects were change from simple shape.